R-WASP: Real Time-Web Application SQL Injection Detector and Preventer


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In the real time word, there are many online systems those are major part of software systems in order to make them publically available to perform the remote operations. These online systems are vulnerable to different types of web based attacks. Here in this project we are considering the one such web based attack and its prevention technique in real time web applications as well as presenting the ways to implement same approach for binary applications. Previously, the approach called WASP was proposed as efficient web application SQL injection preventer using the datasets. However, this tool was not evaluated over real time web applications; we did not get its accuracy for prevention of real time web application SQL injection attacks, even though it’s having high accuracy during its tested results over datasets. Therefore, in this research work we are extending the WASP approach to real time environment in order to evaluate its effectiveness as well as to collect a valuable set of real legal accesses and, possibly, attacks. In addition to this, we are presenting the same approach for binary applications. This new approach or tool we called as R-WASP.
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