
The ex per i men tal study of re sid ual ra dio ac tiv ity in duced in elec tro


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As one of the key com po nents of Sec tor Fo cus ing Cy clo tron at the In sti tute of Mod ern Phys ics, Chi nese Acad emy of Sci ences, the elec tro static de flec tor can be ac ti vated by pri mary and sec ond ary par ti cles, be cause of a mis match be tween the ac tual value and the de sign value of the emit tance and emer gence an gle. In ad di tion, it will be struck by more par ti cles, since there is a stray mag netic field and outgas from the sur face of the elec tro static de flec tor. The re sid ual ra dio ac tiv ity in the elec tro static de flec tor has been stud ied in two as pects: spe cific ac tiv ity and re sid ual dose rate, based on the gamma-ray spec trom e try and Fluke 451p ion iza tion cham ber, re spec tively. The spe cific ac tiv ity of radionuclides in the main com po nents and the dust on the en clo sure have been in ves ti gated by us ing gamma-ray spec trom e try. The re sid ual dose rate around the elec tro static de flec tor has been ob tained by Fluke 451p ion iza tion cham ber. The re sults of the study show that there is a non-neg li gi ble ra dio log i cal risk to the staff. This re sult can be pro vided as guid ance for mak ing a main te nance sched ule, so that the dose re ceived by staff can be kept as low as rea son ably achiev able. Based on the re sults, ad vice for "hands-on" main te nance and de com mis sion ing of the SFC have been pro vided.
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