
Research on Digital Protection of Cultural Heritage

Wang Xiaoyan,Lv Desheng


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Dujiangyan which belongs to the world cultural heritage and natural heritage represents an important scientific and technological invention in ancient China. It displays the wisdom of the ancient working people and enjoys great value. With the development of tourism in Dujiangyan, the combination of culture and tourism has become a focus of local work. This paper analyzes the dilemma of Dujiangyan in cultural protection, combines the characteristics of Dujiangyan, proposes a reliable digital protection scheme which uses digital technology to increase the promotion channels of Dujiangyan and attracts the audience to know about the water conservancy knowledge and the historical story of Dujiangyan, so that they further understand Dujiangyan. The paper also puts forward new requirements for the Dujiangyan scenic spot, which is to improve the existing shortages in the scenic spot by adapting to the digitalization pace of Dujiangyan, thus promoting the development of cultural tourism in Dujiangyan. The initiatives presented in this paper also provide new ideas for the digital protection of other scenic spots or cultural heritage. 1.The development status of Dujiangyan Dujiangyan was listed on the World Heritage List in 2000. It is by far the oldest water conservancy project in the world. Characterized by dam-free water diversion, it has played a huge role to this day. Dujiangyan includes three major projects, namely Yuzui, Feisha Dam and Baopingkou, which respectively play an important role in water separation, flood control and water regulation. Dujiangyan's water management culture and technology formed and developed in the long-term practice are in line with objective scientific and technological principles, and at the same time have unique personality characteristics [1]. Dujiangyan also realizes the ideal of harmonious coexistence and common development between man and nature, which embodies the concept of "unity between man and nature" in Chinese traditional culture [2]. In recent years, the combination of culture and tourism to create collision and infusion between the two has become a major trend in the development of tourism economy. In order to further promote Dujiangyan, Dujiangyan government constantly explores Dujiangyan's achievements in science and technology and culture, vigorously adjusts the internal structure of the industry and promotes the integration of local cultural industries 3rd International Conference on Education, Culture and Social Development (ICECSD 2019) Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 344
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