
1 Finding Mnemo : Hybrid Intelligence Memory in a Crowd-Powered Dialog System


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While dialog systems can provide a more powerful and natural way to interact with computational tools [Allen et al. 2001a; Allen et al. 2001b], robustly understanding discourse in natural language is beyond the scope of current automated approaches. By leveraging crowds of human workers to respond to end-user queries, crowd-powered dialog systems make it possible to create working systems today, while simultaneously generating data to help train future machine learning (ML) based approaches [Lasecki et al. 2013; Huang et al. 2015; Huang et al. 2016; Huang et al. 2018]. The crowds behind these systems are constantly changing, and no single worker can be relied on to be present between multiple conversational sessions. As a result, context can be lost when interactions span multiple sessions and take place over longer time scales. To provide effective replies, these crowd-powered methods need to maintain consistency over time through a shared conversational context, such as a chat history [Fono and Baecker 2006; Baecker et al. 2007]. However, having workers scroll through a long history log is costly (in terms of time) and may reduce workers’ ability to participate in the conversations in real-time. Moreover, crowd-powered systems fail to map information from past dialogs to present ones, leading to a lack of contextual memory about the user and unnecessary repetition of information across conversations [Lasecki and Bigham 2013]. There is currently no way to extract concise, conversational context from those dialogs. However, people naturally curate between-session context without thinking about it (e.g., memories about their conversations and conversational partners) and can recall information relevant to current topics with relative ease, even over long time spans [Clark et al. 1991]. Unfortunately, querying crowd workers to identify this context is diffcult because this is a subconsious process that does not require explicit effort. But, what if we could tease out these latent mental models of information-saving that we innately build and instantiate this storage in our dialog systems? We propose a methodology for note generation for conversational context maintenance by saving and aggregating human-generated notes from goal-oriented dialogs. We implement and evaluate our approach in Mnemo, a crowd-powered dialog plug-in that allows crowd workers to read dialogs and predict, curate, and save critical information into notes that will be relevant for future conversations, which is not a capability of existing crowdsourced summarization techniques. Our fndings show that combining worker-generated notes (which would be hard or impossible to do with automatically extracting summaries) with aggregation methods that act as tunable “knobs” allow collective responses to outperform individuals’ responses.
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