
Audio Visual Capture And Distribution For Experimentation And Analysis


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Experimentation and Analysis, utilising modelling and simulation, forms a core component of the work performed within Land Operations Division at the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO). Much of this work is performed within the Army Experimental Framework (AEF) program which is currently exploring army structures and capability for the Army Objective Force which will come into being circa 2025. Audio visual capture and distribution is a tool that has long been utilised within DSTO experimentation to allow analysts to review why key decisions were made to assist with their analysis. These recordings are particularly useful in post analysis of both the mission planning phase of Army experiments, and the execution of the commander’s intent during the wargame or simulation. Over the last 10 years, substantial progress has been made in the technologies, tools and techniques used for audio visual capture within Land Operations Division at DSTO, and this paper outlines this progress and some of the lessons learned. This included the development of a Mobile Audio Visual Capture Suite (MAVCapS), the transition from VHS tapes to DVDs to current computer based recording technologies that allow live streaming over computer networks, easy management of the recordings, and easy access to the recordings by the analysts. Also discussed are developments in camera and microphone technologies and the transition from consumer camcorders, to fixed CCTV cameras, to remotely controlled ‘Pan Zoom Tilt’ cameras, and the challenges of using IP based cameras for video recordings.
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