Transmedial Playthings : Games , Toys and Playful Engagement in Storyworlds


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This chapter discusses transmediality from the perspective of play. Building bridges between studies of games, media, toys and literature, we argue that it is important to understand transmediality from a wide interdisciplinary perspective, that takes into account the design and operations of multiple commercially available playthings. Play, as an active creative practice, can bring things to life and instil our complex and extensive storyworlds with meaning. In practical terms, such meaning-making practices can mean engagement with and combining multiple material and immaterial elements that can be adopted from games, toys, movies, comics or novels alike. With case studies focusing on the Angry Birds and LEGO Lord of the Rings games, this chapter illustrates the richness and complexity of contemporary, commercially produced "transmedial playthings", but finally concludes that aside from user’s narrative, material and technological innovations, it is even more important to recognize the key role of the users’ creative energy and curiosity. Transmediality, from our perspective, does not mean just the narrative elements like characters or plotlines that cross media boundaries, but rather something that is rooted in our creative impulses, and in the playful energy and activities of people who feel inspired to engage in creative, transmedial play.
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