ASPR Symposium Presentations

Andrew Chanen, Richard Bell, Jennifer Boldero, Carol, Hulbert, Martina Jovev, Janine Stevenson, Carol Hulbert, Chay Miang, Jamie Lim, Benjamin Wright, Safiye Aytekin, Hailey Meaklim, Martina Jo,Henry J. Jackson, Tina Proffitt,Sue Cotton,Max Coltheart,Melissa Green,Henry Jackson, Emma, McDougall

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry(2007)

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Introduction: The study of narcissism is under-represented in clinical research. However, there is evidence that narcissism is a dimensional disorder, with sub-clinical levels being found in nonclinical populations In addition, despite the emerging consensus that two distinct facets of narcissism exist an overt (grandiose) facet and a covert (vulnerable) facet with different characteristics, it remains unclear whether they are two separate personality subtypes, two ends of an adjustment continuum, or two co-existing facets manifesting in different situations. The present two studies were designed to examine these propositions in non-clinical samples, by investigating the structure of overt and covert narcissism in terms of basic personality profiles, and explicit and implicit self-esteem. Method: Participants completed a battery of online inventories and tasks assessing overt narcissism, covert narcissism, the Five Factor Model of personality, and explicit self-esteem and implicit selfesteem. Correlational and multiple regression analyses were used to examine the relationships between overt-covert narcissism and the constructs of interest. Results: In both studies overt and covert narcissism had different patterns of predictors. Overt narcissism was best predicted by high Extraversion, low Agreeableness, high Openness to Experience and high Conscientiousness, while covert narcissism was best predicted by high Neuroticism and low Agreeableness. Overt narcissism was associated with high explicit self-esteem and low implicit positive self-esteem, whereas covert narcissism was associated with high implicit positive self-esteem and low explicit self-esteem. Conclusions: The results support the view that overt and covert narcissism are distinct subtypes that are associated with different personality and self-esteem profiles, rather than two ends of a continuum or co-existing facades manifesting in different situations. The implications of the findings are discussed. THE INFLUENCE OF THE LEVEL OF MEASUREMENT ON THE STRUCTURE OF PERSONALITY DISORDERS
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