Factors Associated with Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


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Objective: This study aimed at determining the major risk factors present in diabetic patients attending a hospital setting. Subjects and Methods: A total of 84 individuals with history of diabetes mellitus were selected. Based on their blood glucose and HbA1C levels they were divided into controlled and uncontrolled groups. Various factors associated with uncontrolled diabetes were recorded. Patients and Methods: were entered on SPSS version 16 for analysis. Demographic characteristics of participants were calculated as mean±SD. Chi square test was applied to check the level of significance among different categorical variables of controlled vs. uncontrolled diabetic patients. A p-value of <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: Total 84 patients were inducted in the study with mean age of 52.3±9.7 years. Among these 55 (66%) patients were female and 29 (34%) were male. Obesity, exercise, family history and hypertension were significantly increased in patients having blood glucose levels more than the reference range despite of having regular medication. Microvascular complications were approximately equal in both groups while macrovascular complications were more frequent in controlled diabetic patients Conclusion: Since proper control of risk factors may help to decrease the severity of diabetes and its associated complications, patients should be counselled to do regular exercise, decrease weight, quit smoking and control blood pressure.
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