Presidential candidate success using twitter and machine learning

Jennifer Steffens, Alexis Kulash, Eric Manley,Timothy Urness


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Many researchers and pollsters are seeking to harness the vast amount of data available through various social media networks to make predictions and forecast trends in the population. Due to Twitter’s rising prominence in the political arena—both professionally and personally—this research sought to determine if one could accurately predict U.S. presidential candidate success on a primary-by-primary basis by analyzing regional tweet data. This involves collecting geotagged tweets filtered for political discussion during the primaries in both Iowa and New Hampshire and then running various machine learning algorithms upon those tweets in order to make a prediction as to which candidates received more than 10% of the vote for each county in each particular state. It was concluded this prediction method was viable, however, the accuracy depended greatly upon the quantity of tweets collected. This work explores Twitter’s usefulness as a potential prediction tool, and future studies will focus on making more precise election predictions on a larger context while comparing their accuracy and bias with actual polling data. INTRODUCTION Social media has revolutionized the way the general population expresses their beliefs and ideas. Platforms such as Twitter allow any user to publicly publish their opinions in the form of a tweet, where they can be consumed by others nationwide, instead of being contained to their immediate geographical area and social network. For data scientists, this innovation allows for the analysis of public opinion, and it has been used to forecast trends in the economy and population health [1]. In addition, Twitter has provided a thriving marketing opportunity for political figures, such as the presidential candidates, to solicit support. Background The most recent U.S. presidential race is infamous for the dramatically inaccurate predictions made by most major election forecast websites and news channels that relied upon traditional polling methods and has emphasized the need for alternative, more accurate polling methods [9]. A standard method for collecting polling data continues to be calling randomly selected phone numbers and inquiring about their voting intentions. However, modern phones will display to the user that the phone number calling is not from one of their stored contacts, and thus they are considerably less likely to answer the call in the first place. Furthermore, there has been a significant decline in the percentage of people willing to answer questions by phone: in the 1970’s the average response rate was 80% – now, the average response rate is as low as 5% [11]. Combined with traditional polling’s inability to intelligently identify likely voters or identify a significant number of the respondent’s opinions at a particular time leads to inaccuracies that are amplified by most major forecasting models [9]. In contrast, social media is flourishing. For Twitter alone, there are over 500 million tweets daily from over 100 million daily active users, which creates an ever-growing resource for public opinions [6]. There are, however, things to keep in mind when utilizing Twitter data in forecasts, as there are with any type of collected data. To use tweets as a predictive measure, it must be assumed that the tweets we have collected are trustworthy: not spam, false, or otherwise unreliable. Additionally, it is difficult to determine the age, gender, race, education, or income of the users whose tweets are included in the dataset, thus demographical biases cannot be accurately accounted for. Lastly, users are tweeting on a voluntary basis, therefore generally only those who are politically active and/or publicly vocal about their opinions produce the data collected [2]. With that considered, the aim of this study is to see whether machine learning algorithms trained on the tweets we collect can accurately predict whether a candidate was successful in winning more than 10% of the vote in a specified county. Related Work In 2010, several researchers at the Technical University of Munich made the first attempt to determine whether Twitter was a viable tool for online political deliberation and whether that deliberation also reflected offline political sentiment [13]. They collected over 100,000 tweets in the weeks before the federal election of the national parliament in Germany and applied Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC2007) sentimental analysis software to extract each tweet’s sentiment. The researchers were then able to make a prediction regarding the upcoming election based on the relative frequency of all combinations of two parties in all tweets mentioning more than one party. They were able to accurately predict the percentage of votes that went to each of the six main parties with a mean absolute error (MAE) of less than 2%. The research concluded that “the mere number of tweets mentioning a political party can be considered a plausible reflection of the vote share and its predictive power even comes close to traditional election polls” [13]. Daniel Gayo-Avello of the Universidad de Oviedo worked with Metaxas and Mustafaraj of Wellesley College in 2011 to perform an experiment to determine whether or not the results of past Twitter prediction models could be successfully replicated [2]. The researchers sought to use Twitter data to predict the results of several recent U.S. Congressional elections, although they pointed out that demographic bias was likely to be a key pitfall when relying on social media data (despite the results produced by some prior studies). For this study, they used the same methods as Tumasjan et al. and O’Connor et al. with some slight variations in order to account for the differences in the nature of electoral races in the U.S. versus Germany. Additionally, they chose to classify tweet sentiment as one of three categories (positive, negative, or neutral) versus marking a tweet as both positive and negative like O’Connor et al. allowed. Overall, the results from the study confirmed that the total number of tweets closely reflected the election outcome (similar to Tumasjan et al.) but the share of votes was often incorrect. They were only able to accurately predict 50% of the races. The researchers concluded that “the problem is that, in the past, some researchers have felt comfortable treating social media as a black box: It may give you the right answer, even though you may not know why.” Gayo-Avello later articulated several recommendations for combatting issues inherent to making election predictions with Twitter: check the influence that incumbency plays in the election; clearly define what is a vote (i.e. tweet); rely upon verifying credibility and sentiment analysis; and make sure to account for the silent majority [2]. More recently, researchers at Cardiff University and the University of Manchester created a baseline election-forecasting tool that relied upon Twitter data. They then used their tool to predict the results of the 2015 U.K. General Election [1]. In their study, they attempted to dispel some of the problems that Gayo-Avello identified in his research while also taking into account his advice. With that, they sought to make their predictions before the election had occurred—not afterwards—in order to make a “genuine” forecast. Additionally, the researchers adjusted their forecast to take into account tweet sentiment. Lastly, they calculated their predictions on seat rather than by vote share in order to recognize the existing distribution of parliamentary representation and party power. The researchers collected approximately 14,000,000 tweets and converted vote shares (predicted by sentiment) into seat forecasts. Ultimately, they were successful in more accurately predicting seat count than in the past whilst addressing several of GayoAvello’s concerns. METHODOLOGY To construct the dataset, Twitter’s Streaming APIs for Python were utilized to collect tweets continuously around the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary that Twitter labeled as originating from those states. The text of the tweet was stored as well as the coordinates of the Twitter user’s location at that time, which are published automatically if a user has chosen to allow their location to be shared by Twitter. The coordinates are required to label tweets with their county of origin, allowing the matching of the tweet data with the corresponding polling results in that county. If a user had opted out of sharing their location, their tweets could not be used in this analysis, since it could not be know which county the user would have voted in, and thus these tweets were filtered out. Once the developed program had placed all of the tweets in their correct county of origin, the tweet data was further filtered by topic and only the tweets in which the user had explicitly stated political keywords such as the presidential candidates’ name, slogans, official campaign hashtags, or username (e.g. “Clinton”, “@realDonaldTrump”, “#FeelTheBern”, etc.) were kept, as it was necessary the tweets utilized for the predictions were political and relevant. The program then labeled each remaining tweet with the candidate to whom it was referring and exported the dataset into state-specific CSV files that arranged the tweets by their candidate-county pairs (e.g. Clinton-Polk, Clinton-Adel). For the target column, the percentage of actual votes for each candidate in each county for Iowa was pulled from the CNN election results, and the New Hampshire percentages were pulled from the New Hampshire Secretary of State election results. This output was then joined on the tweet dataset using the county of origin and the candidate to which it pertained. The Beautiful Soup library was utilized to extract the text from each tweet without any tags or markup and pass it to the program, which removed special characters and miscellaneous punctuation from the text. Common stop
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