Latitude Zones and Seasons on 2014 MU 69 ‘Ultima Thule’

R. P. Binzel, J. T. Keane, M. Vanatta,W. M. Grundy,J. M. Moore,S. A. Stern,J. R. Spencer,L. A. Young,C. B. Olkin, J. W. Parker, A. J. Verbiscer,H. A. Weaver, A. Cheng, D. C. Reuter, M. W. Buie, D. P. Cruikshank, J. A. Stansberry, B. Schmitt,W. B. McKinnon, P. M. Schenk,C. M. Lisse, A. M. Zangari,O. M. Umurhan, D. Britt, F. Bagenal, D. P. Hamilton


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On January 1, 2019 NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft flew close to the Kuiper Belt Object (486958) 2014 MU69 nicknamed “Ultima Thule” (herein MU69). MU69 is a bi-lobed contact binary with a flattened shape, and discrete geological units and albedo heterogeneity, including a bright “collar” around the neck region connecting the two lobes [1]. MU69 has a high obliquity of around 99 with respect to its heliocentric orbital plane, a rotation period of 15.94 hours and an orbital period of 293 years. MU69’s high obliquity and non-spherical shape give rise to a unique set of latitudinal zones and seasonal cycles on MU69.
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