
01 05 04 8 v 1 1 8 M ay 2 00 1 A study of backward going p and π − in ν μ CC interactions with the NOMAD detector NOMAD Collaboration

Pierre A. G. Astier,Dario Autiero,Alberto Baldisseri, Massimilla Baldo-Ceolin,M. Banner, Gabriel Bassompierre,Nathalie Besson,I. G. Bird,Barry Blumenfeld,F. Bobisut,Jacques Bouchez,S. B. Boyd, André de Godoy Bueno,S. A. Bunyatov,Leslie Camilleri, Alessandro Cardini,P. W. Cattaneo,Vincenzo Cavasinni,A. Cervera‐Villanueva,A. Chukanov,G. Collazuol, G. Corbo Conforto,Claudio Conta,M. Contalbrigo,R. Cousins, Derek Daniels,Hubert Degaudenzi, Thomas Del Prete,Antonella De Santo,T. Dignan, Luigi Lella, Jacques Dumarchez, Michael A. Ellis, Thomas J. Fazio, Gary J. Feldman,Roberto Ferrari,Didier Ferrere,Vincenzo Flaminio,Marco Fraternali,Jm Gaillard, Emmanuel Gangler,Achim Geiser,Dirk Geppert,Davide Gibin,Sergei Gninenko, Andrew Godley,J.-J. Gomez-Cadenas,J. Gosset,Claus Gössling,M. Gouanère, Ad Grant,Giacomo Graziani,Alberto Guglielmi, Charlotte Hagner, Jordi Hernando,Dorthy Hubbard, P. S. Hurst, Nerida Hyett,Eleonora Iacopini, C. Ajith Joseph,Frédéric Juget,Mikhail Kirsanov, Oleg Klimov, Jorma O. Kokkonen,A. V. Kovzelev, Alexei Krasnoperov,D. Kustov,Viacheslav Slava Kuznetsov,Stefano Lacaprara, Cédric Lachaud, Biljana Lakić,Agostino Lanza,L. La Rotonda,Marco Laveder,Antoine Letessier-Selvon,Jm Levy, Lucie Linssen, A. Jr. Ljubičić, Jingming Long, Anthony. Lupi, Alberto Marchionni,Faustino Martelli,X. Méchain,J. P. Mendiburu,J.-P. Meyer,Mauro Mezzetto, Satya Ranjan Mishra,Gareth F. Moorhead,Dmitry Naumov, Philippe Nédélec,Yu. A. Nefedov,Chung Nguyen-Mau, Lawrence Peak,H. Pessard,Raffaella Petti, Angelo Placci,Giacomo Polesello, Dietmar Pollmann, A. Yu. Polyarush, Bojan Popov, Christian Vestergaard Poulsen, João Rico,P. Riemann,Chiara Roda,André Rubbia,Fabrizio Salvatore, Kyan Schahmaneche, Bernhard Schmidt,T. Schmidt


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Backward proton and π production has been studied in νμ CC interactions with carbon nuclei. Detailed analyses of the momentum distributions, of the production rates, and of the general features of events with a backward going particle, have been carried out in order to understand the mechanism producing these particles. The backward proton data have been compared with the predictions of the reinteraction and the short range correlation models.
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