
The Greek Linguistic Assessment for Awake Brain Surgery: Development Process and Normative Data.

Clinical linguistics & phonetics(2020)

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Language mapping with direct electrical stimulation is considered the gold standard in surgical treatment of brain tumors. Assessing a variety of language functions intraoperatively can affect the extent of the tumor resection as well as the patient's postoperative quality of life. Although most tests include preoperative sessions where tasks are personalised to each patient, normative data are essential since they can ensure that the presented stimuli can be responded appropriately. In this study, we describe the development and standardisation procedures of the first linguistic test in Greek, designed specifically for brain mapping during awake craniotomies. The tasks are developed to comply with the special conditions and restrictions of language assessment inside the operating room. Each task is controlled for various psycholinguistic and lexical variables and it is associated with specific neuroanatomical areas and linguistic processes. Our population consists of 80 right-handed, healthy, Greek-speaking individuals aged 20-60 years. We found only a few main effects and interactions of demographic variables on our test scores. Most differences were found between age groups, since older participants tend to perform slightly worse than younger ones. Therefore, percentiles and cut-off scores were calculated separately for each demographic group. Regarding the clinical application of GLAABS, we describe the procedures we followed to administer it to brain tumor patients from our department and also discuss how sensitivity and specificity can affect patients' postoperative course.
Awake craniotomy,language assessment,brain mapping,test development,standardised test
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