
Study on Electrical Explosion Mechanism and Ignition Characteristics of Copper and Aluminum Powder under Ignition Solid Propellant

IEEE transactions on plasma science(2020)

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In order to study the characteristic of the electrical explosion of copper and aluminum powders, a multilayer generator was designed, an experimental system was set up, and the parameters of metal powder electrical explosion were measured and analyzed. The results show that the duration of the electrical explosion process increases significantly due to the addition of metal powder. The duration of aluminum powder electrical explosion jet flow is & x007E;86.36 ms due to its self-sustained combustion, which releases a large amount of energy, and a small fraction of aluminum powder particles is not burned. The duration of copper powder electrical explosion jet flow is & x007E;15.84 ms, and most of the copper powder particles are in the solid state. The current pause process is absent; instead, the first discharge process is connected to the second discharge process. The effect of copper powder on the first discharge process is greater than that of aluminum powder. Furthermore, the ignition ability of copper powder electrical explosion to solid propellant is stronger than that of aluminum powder in a closed bomb experiment. These results are indubitably meaningful for the application of metal powder electrical explosion and ignition of solid propellant in an electrothermal chemical gun.
Powders,Explosions,Copper,Wires,Aluminum,Generators,Aluminum powder,copper powder,electrical explosion,electrothermal plasma,multilayer generator
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