
Analysis of Fumonisin Mycotoxins with Capillary Electrophoresis – Mass Spectrometry

Food additives & contaminants Part A Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment(2020)

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This paper demonstrates the development of an analytical method based on CE coupled to ESI-MS for the identification and quantification of fumonisin mycotoxins. Separation and detection parameters (pH of background electrolyte (BGE), organic modifier content, sheath liquid (SL) composition, MS mode and nebuliser pressure) were optimised. Ammonium formate/ammonia (pH = 9.5) with 10% ACN modifier was found the most suitable BGE. Positive mode MS was used for detection by scanning the m/z range of 400-1200. Separation was highly affected by the nebuliser pressure, a 25% improvement in peak resolution was achieved by applying the optimised parameters. The 'dilute and shoot' approach was applied to overcome disturbing effects caused by the matrix of fungi supernatant samples. The available sample volume affected the reproducibility of the measurements greatly: the scattering of peak intensities were between 4 and 11 RSD% instead of 27-195 RSD% for fumonisin B-1 and fumonisin B-2 when the available volume was similar to 200 mu L instead of similar to 20 mu L. Quantitative determinations were carried out in Fusarium verticillioides and Fusarium proliferatum culture supernatant (raw) and mycelium (cleaned up) samples. The optimised method enabled the detection of 11 fumonisins in Fusarium proliferatum inoculated rice samples; 2 of them were quantified based on external calibration and 4 other compounds with fumonisin-like formulas were detected.
Capillary electrophoresis,CE-MS,fumonisin,mass spectrometry,mycotoxin
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