Biomarkers of senescence in non-human primate adipose depots relate to aging


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Forty-three female African green monkeys ( Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus ) were selected to represent young adult to advanced geriatric ages (7–24 years) to exhibit a wide range of obesity status (8–53% body fat) and diverse metabolic syndrome criteria such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. Subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues were collected and evaluated for the presence of senescence cells in both whole tissue and single-cell isolates from subcutaneous sources, utilizing senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SAβ-gal) staining. Plasma samples were analyzed for selected metabolic and inflammatory biomarkers related to the senescence-associated secretory profile. Our results indicated that tissue staining scores did not differ between subcutaneous and intra-abdominal visceral depots and were highly related within individuals. Tissue staining was significantly associated with chronological age; however, no associations with fatness or metabolic syndrome criteria were observed. Associations with age were unchanged when obesity status was included in regression models. Isolated cell staining did positively relate to age but not tissue staining, suggesting some of the SAβ-gal-positive cells were stromal vascular cells or small adipocytes, but that mature large adipocytes, filtered out in the cell isolation process, are also likely to exhibit positive SAβ-gal staining. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) concentration in circulation was the sole inflammation-related biomarker that positively associated with age and is considered to be a marker of senescent cell burden. Our study is the largest, most comprehensive assessment of adipose SAβ-gal staining in a relevant animal model of human aging, and confirms that this senescence-associated biomarker specifically indicates an age-related process.
Adipose,Aging,Senescence,Non-human primate,Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1,Senescence-associated β-galactosidase
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