Functional Outcomes of the Hyaluronic Acid Injections in Patients Who Underwent Partial Laryngectomy

Journal of Voice(2022)

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Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of hyaluronic acid injection on dysphagia, aspiration, and voice problems in patients with persistent functional problems despite appropriate rehabilitation after partial laryngectomy. Methods Seventeen patients who underwent hyaluronic acid injection due to persistent swallowing, aspiration, and voice problems after partial laryngectomy surgery were included in the study. The hyaluronic acid injection was performed after 2 years of follow-up after partial laryngectomy surgery. Evaluation of swallowing was performed through a fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing and was quantified using two scales: a dysphagia score and a modified penetration-aspiration scale. Voice Handicap Index-10 was used for the determination of the psychosocial handicapping effects of the voice. Jitter percent, shimmer percent, fundamental frequency, harmonics-to-noise ratio, and maximum phonation time were evaluated for the acoustic analysis of the voice. All measurements were performed at preoperative day and postoperative months 1, 6, and 24. Results A statistically significant improvement was observed for all of the evaluated parameters except the harmonics-to-noise ratio for postoperative months 1 and 6 (P < 0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the postoperative sixth month and the preoperative value of the harmonics-to-noise ratio. A statistically significant improvement was observed between the postoperative 24th month and preoperatively for jitter percent, shimmer percent, fundamental frequency, maximum phonation time, dysphagia, and penetration aspiration score (P < 0.05). Conclusion Surgical rehabilitation should be considered along with conservative treatments to improve swallowing and voice function after partial laryngectomy. Hyaluronic acid injection may be an effective method both in the short and long term for the surgical rehabilitation of persisting functional problems that may occur following partial laryngectomies.
Hyaluronic acid,Open partial laryngectomy,Swallowing,Voice,Quality of life
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