
Kisspeptin-52 Partially Rescues the Activity of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-gonadal Axis in Underweight Male Rats Dosed with an Anti-Obesity Compound.

Florian Bolze, Hannah Williams, Ridhirama Bhuwania,Emil Egecioglu,Esther Bloem,Johan F. Paulsson, Marie O. Pedersen, Alan Broadmeadow,Clare J. Chesher, Emma L. Moore,Mikala Skydsgaard, Pia Sndergaard Galle,Majken Dalgaard, Birgitte S. Wulff,Manuel Tena-Sempere, Lrke W. Andersen

Toxicology and applied pharmacology(2020)

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Energy metabolism and reproduction are closely linked and reciprocally regulated. The detrimental effect of underweight on reproduction complicates the safety evaluation of anti-obesity drugs, making it challenging to distinguish pathological changes mediated through the intended drug-induced weight loss from direct drug effects on reproductive organs. Four-weeks dosing of normal weight Sprague Dawley rats with a glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1)/glucagon receptor co-agonist induced a robust weight loss, accompanied by histological findings in prostate, seminal vesicles, mammary glands, uterus/cervix and vagina. Characterization of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis in male rats revealed reduced hypothalamic Kiss1 mRNA levels and decreased serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone concentrations following co-agonist dosing. These alterations resemble hypogonadotropic hypogonadism typically seen in adverse energy deprived conditions, like chronic food restriction. Concomitant daily administration of kisspeptin-52 from day 21 to the end of the four-week co-agonist dosing period evoked LH and testosterone responses without normalizing histological findings. This incomplete rescue by kisspeptin-52 may be due to the rather short kisspeptin-52 treatment period combined with a desensitization observed on testosterone responses. Concomitant leptin treatment from day 21 did not reverse co-agonist induced changes in HPG axis activity. Furthermore, a single co-agonist injection in male rats slightly elevated LH levels but left testosterone unperturbed, thereby excluding a direct acute inhibitory effect on the HPG axis. Our data suggest that the reproductive phenotype after repeated co-agonist administration was driven by the intended weight loss, however, we cannot exclude a direct organ related effect in chronically treated rats.
Weight loss,Reproduction,GLP1/glucagon receptor co-agonist,Kisspeptin,Leptin
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