
Survival of Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblast Cells in Cornisol and HBSS for Transportation of Avulsed Teeth: a Comparative Ex Vivo Study

Acta odontologica Scandinavica(2020)

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Objective Viability of periodontal ligament fibroblast cells (PDFC) is one of the key factors in determining the success of replantation of avulsed teeth. Extra-oral time and transport media are closely related to the same. The present study aims to evaluate and compare the efficiency of Cornisol, Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS) and normal saline in preserving the viability of PDFC. Materials and methods The human PDFC were isolated from primary culture from freshly extracted human premolars. Effect of Cornisol, HBSS and normal saline on viability of isolated PDFC was assessed using standard MTT assay. The cells were exposed to the experimental solutions (Cornisol/HBSS/normal saline) for varying time points (30 min, 1 h, 24 h, 48 h and 96 h) and viability was determined by colorimetric MTT method by quantifying the amount of formazan crystal formed (optical density). Experiment was performed in triplicates and the data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results Statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni's test with a significance level ofpvalue <=.05. Cornisol >= HBSS > saline. Conclusion Cornisol can be used as a storage media for avulsed teeth and is significantly more effective than HBSS in maintaining the periodontal ligament cell viability at tested time intervals.
Avulsion,cell culture,Cornisol,DMEM,HBSS,MTT assay,periodontal cell viability
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