Detection of the Low Energy Recoil 3 He in the Reaction 2 H( 8 He, 3 He) 7 H

I. A. Muzalevskii,V. Chudoba,S. G. Belogurov, A. A. Bezbakh, D. Biare, A. S. Fomichev,S. A. Krupko, E. M. Gazeeva, M. S. Golovkov, A. V. Gorshkov,L. V. Grigorenko,G. Kaminski, O. Kiselev, D. A. Kostyleva,M. Yu. Kozlov,B. Mauyey,I. Mukha,E. Yu. Nikolskii,Yu. L. Parfenova, W. Piatek, A. M. Quynh,V. N. Schetinin, A. Serikov,S. I. Sidorchuk, P. G. Sharov, R. S. Slepnev,S. V. Stepantsov, A. Swiercz, P. Szymkiewicz,G. M. Ter-Akopian,R. Wolski,B. Zalewski

Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics(2020)

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Investigation of the 7 H-system in the experiment conducted at the fragment separator ACCULINNA-2 in the 8 He( 2 H, 3 He) 7 H reaction requires to detect the recoil 3 He ions with energy down to 6 MeV. For this purpose two Δ E—E particle telescopes are used, with each telescope having in front a thin (20-μm) Si strip detector ( Δ E—SSD ). The maps of thickness heterogeneity of the thin detectors were determined by measuring the energy losses of the 226 Ra α-particles. The adopted thickness normalization method provides a good identification of the 3 He nuclei being recorded in the presence of a high 4 He background. Two approaches were used for calculating the energy losses of the identified 3 He and 4 He reaction ejectiles and reconstructing their energy values available at the exit from the deuterium target. The developed techniques were applied for the 7 H missing-mass reconstruction.
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