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Constraining the nuclear symmetry energy and properties of the neutron star from GW170817 by Bayesian analysis

The European Physical Journal A(2021)

Cited 19|Views6
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Based on the distribution of tidal deformabilities and component masses of binary neutron star merger GW170817, the parametric equation of state (EOS) is employed to probe the nuclear symmetry energy and the properties of the neutron star. To obtain a proper distribution of the parameters of the EOS that is consistent with the observation, Bayesian analysis is used and the constraints of causality and maximum mass are considered. From this analysis, it is found that the symmetry energy and pressure at twice the saturation density of nuclear matter can be constrained within E_sym(2ρ _0) = 34.5^+20.5_-2.3 MeV and P (2ρ _0) = 3.81^+1.18_-2.32× 10^34 dyn cm ^-2 at 90
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neutron star,nuclear symmetry energy,gw170817
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