
Assessing the Susceptibility to Acute Respiratory Illness COVID-19-related in a Cohort of Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Multiple sclerosis and related disorders(2020)

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INTRODUCTION:Italy has been the first European country severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.OBJECTIVE:To analyze the incidence of the clinical presentations suggestive for COVID-19 infection among patients with Multiple Sclerosis in the province of Lecco, in the North Italy, the closest province capital to Bergamo. To describe the association of demographics, clinical characteristics, and use of DMTs categories with the risk of contracting the disease.METHODS:We telephonically interviewed all the 275 MS patients followed in the MS center. The collected data included recent contact with a patient with COVID-19 diagnosis or a subject with respiratory symptoms and the developing of COVID-19 symptoms or a confirmed diagnosis.RESULTS:15 out of 275 patients reported symptoms suggestive for COVID-19 infection, only one of them with PCR-confirmed diagnosis. No one of them presented severe symptoms or needed hospitalization. Using a multivariable logistic regression model, the only factor associated with being in the COVID-suspect group was the report of a recent contact with a patient with a COVID-19 diagnosis.CONCLUSIONS:The prevalence of COVID-19 within MS patients seems to resemble the prevalence in general population. The lack of associations with other factors assessed, including DMTs, may reflect a lack of statistical power. Larger population studies are needed to explore the correlation between different disease-modifying therapies and COVID-19 course.
Multiple Sclerosis,COVID-19,Infections,Italy,Disease-modifying therapy
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