
[Health democracy: Patient partnership].

Cancer radiotherapie : journal de la Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique(2020)

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In 2019, the scientific committee of the French society of radiation oncology (SFRO) created an ethics committee. Its mission is to provide our professional community with food for thought on ethical issues, and to identify its specificities within the radiation oncology departments. For the 2020 annual conference, the commission looked into the evolution of the patient-carer relationship, and more particularly to the strong idea of patient partnership. Indeed, the writing of the White Book of Cancer gave voice to sick people and stressed the need for new devices, such as the Caregiving Time. Patients can no longer be considered as objects of care but as people whose dignity and autonomy must be imperatively respected. The acquisition of knowledge allows a bilateral exchange, prerequisite of a dynamic collaboration. Patients can be partners in their own care, partners in training and research (expert patient), but also partners in health institutions and policies. It is this notion of partnership and involvement of the person in their path of care in radiation oncology that we will analyse here. It will be about defining it, by developing the concept of autonomy, and bringing out its complexity and ambivalence through two examples from our clinical practice: the shared decision-making process for patients with localized prostate cancer and the patient's involvement in the success of his radiotherapy.
Patient partnership,Radiation oncology,Shared decision,Security,Ethics
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