Walkability, Health Behaviors, And Body Mass Index In Twins: 1677 Board# 3 May 31 3: 15 PM 5: 15 PM

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise(2018)

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PURPOSE: This study examined relationships among BE walkability, health behaviors, and body mass index (BMI) between and within twin pairs, and how these relationships differ when considering walkability of the home neighborhood and each twins’ full activity space.METHODS: Geocoded home addresses and continuous physical activity data from accelerometers and GPS loggers were obtained in 144 identical twin pairs over 2 weeks. Dietary energy density (DED) was assessed by food frequency questionnaire, and BMI was derived from measured height and weight. Walk Score™(WS) was used to estimate walkability; home WS refers to walkability of the home neighborhood and GPS WS refers to the mean of individual WS values matched to every GPS point collected by each participant, reflecting the walkability of each twins’ activity space.RESULTS: Home WS was related to GPS WS between-pairs (r= 0 …
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