
Biomolecular Ultrasound Imaging of Phagolysosomal Function.

ACS nano(2020)

引用 27|浏览33
Phagocytic clearance and lysosomal processing of pathogens and debris are essential functions of the innate immune system. However, the assessment of these functions in vivo is challenging because most nanoscale contrast agents compatible with noninvasive imaging techniques are made from nonbiodegradable synthetic materials that do not undergo regular lysosomal degradation. To overcome this challenge, we describe the use of an all-protein contrast agent to directly visualize and quantify phagocytic and lysosomal activities in vivo by ultrasound imaging. This contrast agent is based on gas vesicles (GVs), a class of air-filled protein nanostructures naturally expressed by buoyant microbes. Using a combination of ultrasound imaging, pharmacology, immunohistology, and live-cell optical microscopy, we show that after intravenous injection, GVs are cleared from circulation by liver-resident macrophages. Once internalized, the GVs undergo lysosomal degradation, resulting in the elimination of their ultrasound contrast. By noninvasively monitoring the temporal dynamics of GV-generated ultrasound signal in circulation and in the liver and fitting them with a pharmacokinetic model, we can quantify the rates of phagocytosis and lysosomal degradation in living animals. We demonstrate the utility of this method by showing how these rates are perturbed in two models of liver dysfunction: phagocyte deficiency and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The combination of proteolytically degradable nanoscale contrast agents and quantitative ultrasound imaging thus enables noninvasive functional imaging of cellular degradative processes.
ultrasound,contrast agents,phagocytosis,lysosomes,liver disease,reticuloendothelial system
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