Sustainable Data Evolution Technology (SDET) for Power Grid Optimization


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This project develops an innovative sustainable data evolution technology (SDET) to create open-access power grid datasets and facilitate updates to these datasets by the power grid community. The lack of open-access, realistic large-scale datasets significantly limits the ability of researchers, developers and ultimately end users to develop, benchmark and compare new methods and tools for optimizing the operation and planning of the grid, which leads to slow adoption by end users. Available open datasets include the IEEE sponsored 14-300 bus transmission test cases and distribution test feeders, the Edinburgh Power Systems Test Case Archive (39-2224 buses), and the Polish cases (2383-3375 buses) available with MATPOWER. These datasets serve certain purposes, but for power grid optimization, they are insufficient in one or more of these aspects: 1) they are too small; 2) they are incomplete in both models and scenarios for optimization purposes; and 3) they are static and are not keeping up with grid needs. The SDET technology delivers large-scale realistic datasets and data-creation tools capable of generating new datasets. We work closely with the Category-2 data repository project awarded by the same GRID DATA program. The generated datasets and data creation tools are compatible with and available through the more»
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