
Structural Framework of the Zelten Platform, South Sirte Basin, Libya Using Potential Fields Modelling

Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia(2020)

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Integration between magnetic and gravity data at the Zelten platform, the southeast part of Sirt Basin Libya. Zelten Platform is first discovered oil field in Libya. It shows numerous geological structures of different tectonic events. The methods adopted can assist in locating the hidden subsurface structures. The platform is characterized by the NW-SE trending rift that belongs to the Early Cretaceous age (during the collapse of Sirt Arch). The study aimed to define the structural geology that assisted in the development of future exploration in this area. The analyses utilized several filtering and transformation algorithms to help in structural modeling. For instance, the total horizontal gradient and tilt angle derivative were applied for the edge detection of the tectonic boundaries. The results show NW-SE and NNW-SSE patterns that represents faults that controlled the positions of the troughs and platforms at the Sirt basin. On the other hand, Euler deconvolution and 2D forward modeling were utilized to determine the depth of the basement. The Integrated models deduced revealed that the main faults trends are NW-SE which refer to the rift phases and crustal extension period that occurred during the Mesozoic time (early cretaceous). Also, the basement depth ranges from 6.5 km to 8 km according to the structures that affected the study area.
Magnetic anomaly,Gravity anomaly,Geologic structure,Zelten platform,Sirt basin
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