Involvement of uterine natural killer cells in the natural selection of human embryos at implantation


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Decidualizing endometrial stromal cells (EnSC) critically determine the maternal response to an implanting conceptus, triggering either menstruation-like disposal of low-fitness embryos or creating an environment that promotes further development. However, the mechanism that couples maternal recognition of low-quality embryos to tissue breakdown remains poorly understood. Recently, we demonstrated that successful transition of the cycling endometrium to a pregnancy state requires selective elimination of pro-inflammatory senescent decidual cells by activated uterine natural killer (uNK) cells. Here we report that uNK cells express CD44, the canonical hyaluronan (HA) receptor, and demonstrate that high-molecular weight HA (HMWHA) inhibits uNK cell-mediated killing of senescent decidual cells. By contrast, low-molecular weight HA (LMWHA) did not attenuate uNK cell activity in co-culture experiments. Killing of senescent decidual cells by uNK cells was also inhibited upon exposure to medium conditioned by IVF embryos that failed to implant, but not successful embryos. Embryo-mediated inhibition of uNK cell activity was reversed by recombinant hyaluronidase 2 (HYAL2), which hydrolyses HMWHA. We further report a correlation between the levels of HYAL2 secretion by human blastocysts, morphological scores, and implantation potential. Taken together, the data suggest a pivotal role for uNK cells in embryo biosensing and endometrial fate decisions at implantation.
Endometrium,implantation,decidualization,uterine natural killer cells,embryo,hyaluronan,hyaluronidase 2,senescence
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