Histone demethylome map reveals combinatorial gene regulatory functions in embryonic stem cells

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2022)

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Epigenetic regulators and transcription factors establish distinct regulatory networks for gene regulation to maintain the embryonic stem cell (ESC) state. Although much has been learned regarding individual epigenetic regulators, their combinatorial functions remain elusive. Here, we report previously unknown combinatorial functions of histone demethylases (HDMs) in gene regulation of mouse ESCs. Generation of a histone demethylome (HDMome) map of 20 well-characterized HDMs based on their genome-wide binding revealed co-occupancy of HDMs in different combinations: KDM1A-KDM4B-KDM6A and JARID2-KDM2B-KDM4A-KDM4C-KDM5B largely co-occupy at enhancers and promoters, respectively. Mechanistic studies uncover that KDM1A-KDM6A combinatorially modulates P300/H3K27ac, H3K4me2 deposition and OCT4 recruitment that directs the OCT4/CORE regulatory network for target gene expression; while co-operative actions of JARID2-KDM2B-KDM4A-KDM4C-KDM5B control H2AK119ub1 and bivalent marks of polycomb-repressive complexes that facilitate the PRC regulatory network for target gene repression. Thus, combinatorial functions of HDMs differentially impact gene expression programs in mESCs. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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