The novel roles of choline transporter-like 1 and 2 in ethanolamine transport


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We examined a novel function of mammalian Choline-Transporter-Like proteins CTL1/SLC44A1 and CTL2/SLC44A2 in ethanolamine transport. We established two distinct ethanolamine transport systems of a high affinity ( = 55.6 - 66.5 μM), mediated by CTL1, and of a low affinity ( = 275 - 299 μM), mediated by CTL2. Both types of transport are Na-independent and mediated in a pH dependent manner, as expected for ethanolamine/H antiporters. Primary human fibroblasts with separate frameshift mutations (M1= and M2= ) are devoid of CTL1 ethanolamine transport but maintain unaffected CTL2 transport. The lack of CTL1 or CTL2 reduced the ethanolamine transport, the flux by the CDP-ethanolamine Kennedy pathway and PE synthesis. Overexpression of CTL1 in (M2) cells improved the ethanolamine transport and PE synthesis. The cells are reliant on CTL2 function and CTL2 siRNA almost completely abolished ethanolamine transport in the whole cells and mitochondria. Overexpression of CTL1 and CTL2 cDNAs increased ethanolamine transport in control and cells. CTL1 and CTL2 facilitated mitochondrial ethanolamine uptake, but the transport mediated by CTL1 is predominant in the whole cells and mitochondria. These data firmly established that CTL1 and CTL2 are the first identified ethanolamine transporters in the whole cells and mitochondria, with intrinsic roles in PE synthesis by the CDP-Etn Kennedy pathway and compartmentation of intracellular ethanolamine.
CTL1,CTL2,ethanolamine transport,phospholipids,membranes
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