The critical immunosuppressive effect of MDSC-derived exosomes in the tumor microenvironment


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Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are an indispensable component of the tumor microenvironment (TME), and our perception regarding the role of MDSCs in tumor promotion is attaining extra layer of intricacy in every study. In conjunction with MDSC’s immunosuppressive and anti-tumor immunity, they candidly facilitate tumor growth, differentiation, and metastasis in several ways that yet to be explored. Alike any other cell types, MDSCs also release a tremendous amount of exosomes or nanovesicles of endosomal origin and partake in intercellular communications by dispatching biological macromolecules. There has not been any experimental study done to characterize the role of MDSCs derived exosomes (MDSC exo) in the modulation of TME. In this study, we isolated MDSC exo and demonstrated that they carry a significant amount of proteins that play an indispensable role in tumor growth, invasion, angiogenesis, and immunomodulation. We observed higher yield and more substantial immunosuppressive potential of exosomes isolated from MDSCs in the primary tumor area than those are in the spleen or bone marrow. Our data suggest that MDSC exo are capable of hyper activating or exhausting CD8 T-cells and induce reactive oxygen species production that elicits activation-induced cell death. We confirmed the depletion of CD8 T-cells by treating the mice with MDSC exo. We also observed a reduction in pro-inflammatory M1-macrophages in the spleen of those animals. Our results indicate that immunosuppressive and tumor-promoting functions of MDSC are also implemented by MDSC-derived exosomes which would open up a new avenue of MDSC research and MDSC-targeted therapy.
Exosomes,Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs),Tumor microenvironment (TME),CD8 T-cell,activation-induced cell death (AICD)
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