Primate-specific response of astrocytes to stroke limits peripheral macrophage infiltration


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Reactive astrocytes play critical roles after brain injuries but their precise function in stroke is not well defined. Here, we utilized single nuclei transcriptomics to characterize astrocytes after ischemic stroke in nonhuman primate (NHP) marmoset monkey primary visual cortex. We identified 19 putative subtypes of astrocytes from injured and uninjured brain hemispheres and observed nearly complete segregation between stroke and control astrocyte clusters. We then screened for genes that might be limiting stroke recovery and discovered that one neurite-outgrowth inhibitory protein, NogoA, previously associated with oligodendrocytes but not astrocytes, was expressed in numerous reactive astrocyte subtypes. NogoA upregulation on reactive astrocytes was confirmed for NHP and human, but not observed to the same extent in rodent. Further and studies determined that NogoA mediated an anti-inflammatory response which limits deeper infiltration of peripheral macrophages from the lesion during the subacute post-stroke period. Specifically, these findings are relevant to the development of NogoA-targeting therapies shortly after ischemic stroke. Our findings have uncovered the complexity and species specificity of astrocyte responses, which need to be considered more when investigating novel therapeutics for brain injury.
peripheral macrophage infiltration,astrocytes,stroke,primate-specific
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