Almost Surely Exponential Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks Under Aperiodically Intermittent Discrete Observations Noise

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics(2022)

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This article deals with the almost surely exponential synchronization issue for complex dynamical networks (CDNs) under noise control. Different from most of the existing literature, aperiodically intermittent discrete observations noise control is proposed. It is worth noting that the state in noise work time is discretely observed rather than continuously. Meanwhile, some sufficient conditions are presented based on stochastic analytical techniques and the Lyapunov method. Besides, the upper bounds of noise rest rate and the time lag between two consecutive observations are estimated. Moreover, it is clear that CDNs are easier to achieve the almost surely exponential synchronization when noise control gain becomes larger. To demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of analytical results, two applications about single-link robot arm systems as well as second-order oscillator systems are given. At the same time, some numerical simulations are exhibited.
Almost surely exponential synchronization,aperiodically intermittent noise,discrete-time state observations,Lyapunov method,stochastic analytical techniques
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