Induction of Short-Term Sensitization by an Aversive Chemical Stimulus in Zebrafish Larvae (vol 9, ENEURO.0514-21.2021, 2022)

Adam C. Roberts,Joseph B. Alzagatiti,Duy T. Ly,Julia M. Chornak,Yuqi Ma,Asif Razee,Gohar Zavradyan,Umair Khan, Julia Lewis, Aishwarya Natarajan,Alisher Baibussinov, Jasmine Emtage, Meghna Komaranchath, Jared Richards, Michelle Hoang,Jason Alipio,Emma Laurent,Amit Kumar,C. S. Campbell, Rebecca Stark,Javier Carmona,Anjum Hussain, Courtney Scaramella,Jenan Husain, Reed Buck,Ava Jafarpour,Miguel Garcia, Steve Mendoza, Gerardo Sandoval,Brandon Agundez, Amanda Fink, Felicia Osadi,Emily Deutsch, Sarah C. Hernandez,Katsushi Arisaka,David L. Glanzman


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Larval zebrafish possess a number of molecular and genetic advantages for rigorous biological analyses of learning and memory. These advantages have motivated the search for novel forms of memory in these animals that can be exploited for understanding the cellular and molecular bases of vertebrate memory formation and consolidation. Here we report a new form of behavioral sensitization in zebrafish larvae that is elicited by an aversive chemical stimulus (allyl isothiocyanate) and that persists for >= 30 min. This form of sensitization is expressed as enhanced locomotion and thigmotaxis, as well as elevated heart rate. To characterize the neural basis of this nonassociative memory, we used transgenic zebrafish expressing the fluorescent calcium indicator GCaMP6 (Chen et al., 2013); due to the transparency of larval zebrafish, we could optically monitor neural activity in the brain of intact transgenic zebrafish before and after the induction of sensitization. We found a distinct brain area, previously linked to locomotion, that exhibited persistently enhanced neural activity following washout of allyl isothiocyanate; this enhanced neural activity correlated with the behavioral sensitization. These results establish a novel form of memory in larval zebrafish and begin to unravel the neural basis of this memory.
Behavioral Plasticity,Learning,Memory,Sensitization,Zebrafish
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