
Quizzes (as a Tool for Self-Regulated Learning) in Software Engineering Education

Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training(2020)

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This paper discusses how quizzes are applied within the field of software engineering learning and how quizzes can help self-regulate student learning. For this, a systematic mapping that selected the most relevant studies on the use of quizzes in education was performed, aiming to clarify their relationships and mutual impacts. Our analysis shows that student engagement and quiz work is a prominent learning solution for increasing motivation in and out of the classroom. We found that quizzes can be applied in software engineering and through generic quizzes, online Quizzes, pop-Quizzes, gamified Quizzes, in quiz games or, alternatively, as an exercise in creating quizzes. However, we did not find approaches to the use of quizzes, explicitly containing Zimmerman's cyclic model, only some of the model's activities in isolation and not explicitly. We argue that sharing the quizzes will raise the potential for then to be use as a self-regulation tool in software engineering education. We describe the steps taken by a Software Engineering Gamification project to create a effective tool for creating and sharing software engineering quizzes. Our next requirement to be implemented in the project will be the application of self-regulation of learning containing the three phases of the Zimermman cyclic model.
Quizzes,Self-regulated learning,Software Engineering Education
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