Results of the 10th Survey of the Neurological Department Structure in Germany


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The German Neurological Society conducts a biannual survey to assess the structure of neurological inpatient care. The present survey covering the year 2011 addressed 307 hospital departments. Although several measures were taken to enhance response rates, only 179/307 departments (58 %) responded. With few exceptions, neurological departments have stroke units. Even though the majority of neurological departments actively participate in emergency room services, only very few operate their own intensive care unit. Also, many neurological departments do not have around-the-clock access to diagnostic facilities such as MRI and angiography. As compared to the preceding survey in 2009, performance benchmarks indicated a rise in patient numbers, decrease in length of stay, and decreasing average case proceeds. Allocation of personnel was difficult to compare between participating departments, but staff shortage was a common problem, with regional differences. 1 out of 3 departments was forced to reduce services due to a shortage of physicians, nurses, or both. Neurological departments can obtain a multitude of certifications, but only half of the head physicians felt that these helped to improve the quality of patient care. Moreover, only 15 % evaluated the effects of certification processes. Consequently, this lack of affirmation challenges the present concept of certifying neurological inpatient facilities.
neurology,neurointensive care unit,stroke unit,working time regulation act,certifications
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