Deep Learning with Constraints and Priors for Improved Subject Clustering, Medical Imaging, and Robust Inference


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Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved significant success in several fields including computer vision, natural language processing, and robot control. The common philosophy behind these success is the use of large amount of annotated data and end-to-end networks with task-specific constraints and priors implicitly incorporated into the trained model without the need for careful feature engineering. However, DNNs are shown to be vulnerable to distribution shifts and adversarial perturbations, which indicates that such implicit priors and constraints are not sufficient for real world applications. In this dissertation, we target three applications and design task-specific constraints and priors for improved performance of deep neural networks. We first study the problem of subject clustering, the task of grouping face images of the same person together. We propose to utilize the prior structure in the feature space of DNNs trained for face identification to design a novel clustering algorithm. Specifically, the clustering algorithm exploits the local neighborhood structure of deep representations by exemplar-based learning based on k-nearest neighbors (k-NN). Extensive experiments show promising results for grouping face images according to subject identity. As an example, we apply the proposed clustering algorithm to automatically curate a large-scale face dataset with noisy labels and show that the performance of face recognition DNNs can be significantly improved by training on the curated dataset. Furthermore, we empirically find that the k-NN rule does not capture proper local structures for deep representations when each subject has very …
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