Fill in the Blanks: Empirical Analysis of the Privacy Threats of Browser Form Autofill

CCS '20: 2020 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security Virtual Event USA November, 2020(2020)

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Providing functionality that streamlines the more tedious aspects of website interaction is of paramount importance to browsers as it can significantly improve the overall user experience. Browsers' autofill functionality exemplifies this goal, as it alleviates the burden of repetitively typing the same information across websites. At the same time, however, it also presents a significant privacy risk due to the inherent disparity between the browser's interpretation of a given web page and what users can visually perceive. In this paper we present the first, to our knowledge, comprehensive exploration of the privacy threats of autofill functionality. We first develop a series of new techniques for concealing the presence of form elements that allow us to obtain sensitive user information while bypassing existing browser defenses. Alarmingly, our large-scale study in the Alexa top 100K reveals the widespread use of such deceptive techniques for stealthily obtaining user-identifying information, as they are present in at least 5.8% of the forms that are autofilled by Chrome. Subsequently, our in-depth investigation of browsers' autofill functionality reveals a series of flaws and idiosyncrasies, which we exploit through a series of novel attack vectors that target specific aspects of browsers' behavior. By chaining these together we are able to demonstrate a novel invasive side-channel attack that exploits browser's autofill preview functionality for inferring sensitive information even when users choose to not utilize autofill. This attack affects all major Chromium-based browsers and allows attackers to probe users' autofill profiles for over a hundred thousand candidate values (e.g., credit card and phone numbers). Overall, while the preview mode is intended as a protective measure for enabling more informed decisions, ultimately it creates a new avenue of exposure that circumvents a user's choice to not divulge their information. In light of our findings, we have disclosed our techniques to the affected vendors, and have also created a Chrome extension that can prevent our attacks and mitigate this threat until our countermeasures are incorporated into browsers.
Web Browsers, Autocomplete, Form Autofill, Data Exfiltration
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