
Tolerance-inducing Effect and Properties of Innate Immune Stimulation on Chronic Stress-Induced Behavioral Abnormalities in Mice

Brain, behavior, and immunity(2020)

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Over-activation of the innate immune system constitutes a risk factor for the development of nervous system disorders but may reduce the severity of these disorders by inducing tolerance effect. Here, we studied the tolerance-inducing effect and properties of innate immune stimulation on chronic social defeat stress (CSDS)induced behavioral abnormalities in mice. A single injection of the innate immune enhancer lipopolysaccharide (LPS) one day before stress exposure prevented CSDS-induced impairment in social interaction and increased immobility time in the tail suspension test and forced swimming test. This effect was observed at varying doses (100, 500, and 1000 mu g/kg) and peaked at 100 mu g/kg. A single LPS injection (100 mu g/kg) either one or five but not ten days before stress exposure prevented CSDS-induced behavioral abnormalities. A second LPS injection ten days after the first LPS injection, or a 2 x or 4 x LPS injections ten days before stress exposure also induced tolerance against stress-induced behavioral abnormalities. Our results furthermore showed that a single LPS injection one day before stress exposure skewed the neuroinflammatory response in the hippocampus and pre frontal cortex of CSDS-exposed mice toward an anti-inflammatory phenotype. Inhibiting the central innate immune response by pretreatment with minocycline or PLX3397 abrogated the tolerance-inducing effect of LPS preconditioning on CSDS-induced behavioral abnormalities and neuroinflammatory responses in the brain. These results provide evidence for a prophylactic effect of innate immune stimulation on stress-induced behavioral abnormalities via changes in microglial activation, which may help develop novel strategies for the prevention of stress-induced psychological disorders.
Innate immune activation,Lipopolysaccharide,Prophylactic effect,Immune tolerance,Neuroinflammation
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