Ten Papers For Teachers Of Evidence-Based Medicine And Health Care: Sicily Workshop 2019


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A previous article sought to signpost papers that were considered helpful when starting on the journey of practicing evidence-based medicine (EBM).1 The lead author was invited to run a workshop at the Eighth Conference of the International Society for Evidence-Based Health Care run in collaboration with the Gruppo Italiano per la Medicina Basata sulle Evidenze from 6 November to 9 November 2019. The aim of the workshop was to challenge a group of teachers and educators to consider useful papers for the teaching of EBM/evidence-based healthcare (EBHC). The second aim was to start a database of such studies. The third aim was to share learning and foster discussion from the workshop through journal publication. EBM and EBHC are used interchangeable throughout this article.\n\nWorking in eight small groups (three to five people), teachers and researchers of EBM/EBHC (n=29) first listed any articles that they considered useful for new teachers starting out their teaching journey. So that the challenge also acted as learning for the participants, they were deliberately not briefed on the full nature of the workshop (eg, the consideration and selection of specific articles). After 15 min, each group spent another 10 min selecting their top three articles from their original list (if this list had more than three papers). This was followed by another 5 min selecting their final article to put forward for this paper consensus and any disagreements resolved via discussion. Groups had to provide the following information for each paper: authors; year of publication; title; reason(s) for inclusion; link to paper/reference. Learning from previous experiences, the workshop lead (DN) instructed that a group could not select an article for which a group member was an author thus avoiding one possible source of conflict. As a group we felt that this specific rule of the article selection process …
evidence-based practice, health, patient care
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