
Videoassisted Thoracoscopy with Preserved Spontaneous Breathing - an Anaesthesiological Perspective


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Introduction Video-assisted thoracoscopic procedures with preserved spontaneous breathing (NI-VATS = conscious video-assisted thoracic surgery) have enjoyed a revival in recent years. However, there have been few reports on proper patient selection, as well as surgical or anaesthesiologic management for these procedures in Germany. Therefore, we present our experience with NI-VATS procedures in the form of a case study and discuss the results with a current survey and the current literature. Method Retrospective evaluation of all NI-VATS procedures at our local institution. Results From June 2018 to January 2020 n = 17 (9 male and 8 female) patients underwent NI-VATS at our institution. Median age of patients was 68 [61-79] years. Fourteen patients suffered from progressive cancer as the underlying disease, leading to thoracic surgery. All patients had a number of comorbidities and were classified according to the ASA categories III (n = 9) or IV (n = 8). Surgical procedures were of short duration (in median 18 [15-27] min) and included 82% pleural procedures (pleurectomy, decortication or insertion of pleural drainage). All patients tolerated the surgical procedures under local anaesthesia and conscious sedation very well. Eleven patients could therefore be transferred to the normal ward after surgery, while the remaining patients under- went prolonged and intensified postoperative monitoring. Five of the 17 patients died within the hospital, in median 8 [3.0-33.5] days after surgery, in context of the underlying disease. None of the deaths could be associated with the surgical procedures. Discussion In a well selected patient cohort and with our local experience, NI-VATS is a safe and practicable alternative to standard thoracotomy in general anaesthesia and one-lung ventilation. In our local institution, multimorbid patients with interventions of short duration and reasonable extent underwent successful NI-VATS and emerged as good candidates for this procedure. Careful patient selection and knowledge of the procedure and its side effects present important milestones for successful NI-VATS.
thoracic surgery,thoracoscopy,operation strategy,VATS,non-intubated VATS,local anaesthesia
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