SUN-129 Hipoinsulinemic Hipoglycemia Caused by Solitary Fibrous Tumor IGF-2 Producer: Case Report

Flavia Tedesco Motta,Thamiris Freitas Maia, Paulo Enrique Peinado Noriega, Hially Ribeiro Cabral, Juliana Farhat, Joao Marcelo Lopes Toscano de Brito, Eserval Rocha, Diego de Los Tios Antelo,Alda Wakamatsu,Maria Claudia Nogueira Zerbini,Sheila Aparecida Coelho Siqueira, Wasun Mariani Alessandro,Arnaldo Lichtenstein, Ramon Marcelino do Nascimento,Maria Adelaide Albergaria Pereira

Journal of the Endocrine Society(2020)

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Abstract BACKGROUND: Solitary Fibrous Tumor is a mesenchymal neoplasm composed of CD34+ fibroblastic cells that can produce spontaneous hypoglycemia by the overproduction of IGF-2. It closely resembles the hypoglycemia characteristic of functioning islet cell tumors. CLINICAL CASE A 77-year-old male was found unconscious and taken to an emergency department with evidence of hypoglycemia and clinical improvement following intravenous glucose administration. He did not have a history of diabetes mellitus and was not taking any glucose lowering medications. He was discharged with nutritional orientation and for control of capillary glycaemia to prevent hypoglycemia. He had 3 episodes of capillary hypoglycemia (50, 45 and 38) at home, that was predominant in the fasting morning and during its occurrence he presented mild sweating, speech difficulty, staring and diplopia, with complete improvement of symptoms after oral glucose replacement. Months earlier, he sought an otolaryngologist for intermittent mild dyspnea; denied cough, hemoptysis, chest pain and unintentional weight loss. He performed chest X-ray with evidence of large right hemithorax mass. Physical examination revealed diminished breath sounds in the right middle and lower lung fields and dullness to percussion. Despite marked hypoglycemia (31 mg/dl), the serum insulin level was less than 0.6 μIU/mL (less than 3 μIU/mL), the C-peptide level was 0.24 nmol/L (less than 0,6 nmol/L), had negative ketonemia and a positive response after glucagon administration (glycaemia increased in 50 mg/dl). Anti-insulin antibodies were negative. Serum cortisol secretion and adrenocorticotropic hormone were normal. The serum level of growth hormone (GH) was 0,03 (less than 0,97ng/ml). The serum IGF-2 level was 227 ng/ml (267 - 616 ng/ml), the IGF-I level was 72 ng/ml (37,1 - 172 ng/ml) and the IGF2/ IGF1 was 3,15 (equal or greater than 3). Computed tomographic (CT) scan revealed a large heterogeneous mass with dimensions of 17,4 × 15× 12.2 cm. It determines almost total atelectasis of the lower lobe on this side and maintains broad medial contact with the mediastinum, compressing the right atrium and the inferior pulmonary vein on this side. Preoperatively, was administered 40 mg oral prednisone with capillary glucose normalization. The tumor was completely resected and was a grayish-white solid, with dimensions of 17 x 16 x 12 cm. Immunohistochemical stains demonstrated positivity for CD34 and IGF2 expression. Postoperatively, serum glucose and insulin levels returned to normal, and episodes of hypoglycemia are resolved. CONCLUSION This case reinforce the importance of investigate IGF-2 tumor production as a cause of hypoinsulinemic hypoglycemia and reports the complete resolution of hypoglycemia after corticoid administration and/or tumor resection.
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