

The Journal of Urology(2020)

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INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: Classic bladder exstrophy in the female results in an exstrophic bladder and urethra, an anterior introitus with a bifid clitoris, and short labia minora. During closure, the lower abdominal wall is closed and the bifid clitori are brought into close apposition, but are often not completely closed to prevent injury to the clitoral bodies. The lower abdominal wall is often under tension, leading to gradual spreading of the distance between the clitoral bodies. We demonstrate a vertical z plasty closure to provide a 2-layer closure of the mons that decreases tension and improves cosmetic appearance of the female external genitalia by creating a clitoral hood. METHODS: This technique was developed as part of an international collaboration focused on the repair of bladder exstrophy and epispadias. After closure of the lower abdominal fascia, 2 lateral incisions are made just superior to the clitoral bodies. The inferior edges of these incisions are re-approximated in the midline in a subcuticular fashion with absorbable monofilament suture, thus forming the deep, posterior ledge of the skin closure. Next, the superior cut edges are re-approximated in a similar fashion, creating the superior/outer ledge of the mons. This closure is then extended and joined with the abdominal skin closure. RESULTS: This technique has been used as an adjunct in newborn primary closures and in older patients who present for cosmetic revision. The extension of the mons to create a clitoral hood eliminates the appearance of a protruding bifid clitoris. There have been no wound infections, skin breakdowns, or early clitoral separations. CONCLUSIONS: The vertical Z-plasty closure of the mons creates a more normal appearance of the external genitalia of girls with bladder exstrophy and epispadias by developing a clitoral hood, while also providing a robust, multi-layer closure that decreases tension and the risk of wound dehiscence. Source of Funding: None
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