
Macrophytes and Groundwater Drive Extremely High Organic Carbon Concentration of Soda Pans

Freshwater biology(2020)

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Endorheic soda pans are among the highest dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content aquatic systems on the planet with concentrations up to 1 g/L. Considering the importance of inland waters in the global carbon cycle, understanding the drivers of such outstanding organic carbon pools is eminent. The soda pans of the Carpathian Basin present a wide variability of biotic and abiotic characteristics that provide an adequate system to assess the determinants of extreme high DOC concentrations. Here, we demonstrate through a multi-site comparison, a multi-year seasonal monitoring, and a laboratory experiment that the dissolved organic matter content of the highest DOC concentration soda pans is primarily of groundwater and emergent macrophyte origin. More precisely, the multi-site comparison of 14 soda pans revealed that variation of coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) content of the surface water of soda pans is partially explained by the CDOM content (22% of variation) of local groundwater, indicating the significant role of allochthonous terrestrial DOC sources. Further 23% of CDOM variation could be accounted for by Bolboschoenus maritimus species-specific emergent macrophyte cover, while the contribution of Phragmites australis cover was only minor. In line with the results of the multi-site comparison, our decomposition experiment demonstrated that both B. maritimus and P. australis have the potential to release substantial amount of organic matter into soda pans. However, the organic matter release of B. maritimus leads to twice as high DOC and 3.5-times higher CDOM concentrations than P. australis. Considering previous organic matter release studies, we concluded that P. australis is a relatively low organic matter releaser emergent macrophyte, and therefore the species composition of emergent macrophytes has to be carefully considered in autochthonous plant-derived DOM estimations. Finally, the multi-year seasonal monitoring of two distinctive soda pans showed that the high organic matter concentrations depend not only on their intrinsic characteristics but also on interannual variability. More precisely, we demonstrated that the highest CDOM and DOC concentrations that occurred in a coloured (i.e. brown, low total suspended solids) soda pan with extensive (95%) macrophyte cover dominated by B. maritimus were measured in a period characterised by high pH and low water levels, which were presumably the consequence of increased evaporation due to decreased precipitation and above average temperature. Our results indicate that considering climate change trends common for most endorheic regions (i.e. increased temperature and modified precipitation regimes), extremely high organic matter concentrations might become more frequent in the near future in local water bodies, particularly in those highly influenced by groundwater inflow. Furthermore, soda pans with vast specific macrophyte cover and substantial groundwater inflow might become organic carbon processing hotspots.
dissolved organic matter,emergent macrophytes,groundwater effect,high pH,interannual variability
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