Characterization of boron-coated silicon sensors for thermal neutron detection

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2020)

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Silicon neutron detectors can operate at low voltage and come with ease of fabrication and the possibility of integration of readout electronics and thus are attractive from an application point of view. In this paper, we have studied thermal neutron capture by silicon diodes coated with boron carbide (B4C). One of the surfaces of the diodes was covered with either natural B4C (natB4C) or with enriched B4C (enB4C). We have investigated: (a) the effect of increase in the sensitive area of the surface of the diode covered with B4C on the neutron detection efficiency and (b) the effect of enrichment of 10B in B4C. The difference in 10B in natB4C (16 at.% in the deposited film) and enB4C ( 79 at.% in the deposited film) leads to about three times increase in detection efficiency of the same detector. For the given experimental conditions, we do not observe a direct relationship between increase in the surface area and the detection efficiency. Energy spectra obtained by Geant4 simulations support the experimental observation of finding no direct relation between increase in the surface area and the detection efficiency.
Geant4 simulations,Thermal neutron detection,Semiconductor detector,Boron10
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