0302 One Week of Recovery Sleep is Insufficient to Restore Sustained Attention Performance Following Three Weeks of Chronic Sleep Restriction


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Abstract Introduction Sleep loss negatively impacts many aspects of neurobehavioral performance, including sustained attention and reaction times. However, the time course of recovery from chronic sleep restriction (CSR) is not well understood. To explore this, we assessed the effects of 3 weeks of CSR followed by 1 week of recovery on psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) performance in healthy adults. Methods 8 healthy adults (27–71; 4f) participated in a 37-day inpatient study. The study consisted of 6 baseline (BL) days with 8–16 h time-in-bed, followed by 3 weeks of CSR (5-5.6h time-in-bed at night), and 1 week of recovery (RC; 8-10h time-in-bed). Sustained attention was assessed by 10-minute visual PVTs administered every 2h starting ~5h after wake (~4/day). Linear and generalized linear mixed models were used to compare average reaction times (RT) and number of lapses, respectively, from the last 3 days of baseline, CSR, and recovery. Results Average RT was almost twice as long at the end of CSR compared to baseline (p<0.0001). Moreover, it remained significantly slower than baseline by roughly 173ms, even after 1 week of recovery (p<0.0001). Similarly, there was a threefold increase in the number of lapses at the end of CSR compared to baseline (p<0.0001) which remained elevated after one week of recovery (p<0.0001). Conclusion One week of recovery sleep of 8-10 h/night following 3 weeks of chronic sleep restriction was insufficient for full recovery of sustained attention as assessed by PVT reaction time and number of lapses. This suggests that chronic sleep restriction has consequences on neurobehavioral performance that do not fully dissipate within one week. Support Study supported by P01AG009975 and conducted in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Center for Clinical Investigation, part of Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center supported by UL1TR001102. KMZ supported by a fellowship from the Finnish Cultural Foundation. RKY supported by T32HL007901 and F32HL143893. NV supported by T32HL007901 and F32AG051325.
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