
A Survey to Analyse Routing Algorithms for Opportunistic Network

Procedia computer science(2020)

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A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a continuously self-configuring, infrastructure-less network of the wireless mobile device. Nodes are connected wirelessly and also responsible for data forwarding (no data transfer or routing device is present that is a router, switch, etc.). The opportunistic network is a subcategory of MANET, typically wireless handheld device carried by people. This survey admits a summary of the acquirable OPPNETs routing algorithms, their categorization, and an assessment of five routing protocols (Epidemic, Spray and Wait, First Contact, Prophet, and Max-Prop) in terms of variable buffer size. Detailed computer simulation demonstrates that as the burden or load on the network growths, the efficiency of routing strategies decrease in terms of delivery probability and overhead ratio. The experiments establish that Maxprop routing delivery probability is highest than the others. It has been also observed that the ratio of packet dropped and relayed has been decreased according to buffer size increased. The First Contact routing delivery probability may not differ most with changes the buffer sizes. In terms of overhead ratio, the result of Epidemic is better than Spray and Wait, First Contact, Prophet, MaxProp routing algorithms. Results vary depending on the buffer size, contact times, and speed. The consequences indicate that some can carry and exchange information faster, and improve connectivity in OPPNETs.
Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET),Opportunistic Network (OPPNET),Routing Algorithms,Congestion Control,Packet Loss
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