
wiseCIO: Web-Based Intelligent Services Engaging Cloud Intelligence Outlet

science and information conference(2020)

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A web service usually serves web documents (HTML, JSON, XML, Images) in interactive (request) and responsive (reply) ways for specific domain problem solving over the web (WWW, Internet, HTTP). However, as more and more websites are shifted onto the cloud computing environment, customers tend to lose interest in “dry”, but in favor of “live” informative content. Furthermore, customers may pursue anything from the Cloud that is disclosed as intelligence for business, education, or entertainment (iBEE) for the sake of decision-making. WiseCIO was created to provide web-based intelligent services (WISE) via human-centered computing technology throughout computational thinking. As part of the intelligent service, a timely born “iBee” runs on individual devices as a Just-in-time Agent System (JAS, an imaginary “intelligent bee” helping with iBEE) to access, assemble and synthesize in order to propagate iBEE over the big database. Imaginatively, tens of thousands of concurrent and distributed “iBee” of JAS run on devices with universal interface (UnI), user-centered (UcX) experience via ubiquitous web-intensive sections (UwS). This is how wiseCIO works as a wise CIO: it involves Cloud computing over multidimensional databases, Intelligence synthesized via context-aware pervasive service, and Outlet that enables sentimental presentation out of information analytical synthesis. In particular, wiseCIO eliminates organizational and experiential issues that may be seen with traditional websites across a variety of devices. As a result, wiseCIO has achieved UnI without being programmed in HTML/CSS, UcX of not driving users like “a chasing after webpages” (a saying borrowed from Ecclesiastes 1:14), and UwS of analytical synthesis via failover and load-balancing in a feasible, automated, scalable, and testable (FAST) approach toward novel networking operations via logical organization of web content and relational information groupings that are vital steps in the ability of an archivist or librarian to recommend and retrieve information for a researcher. More important, wiseCIO also plays a key role as a delivery system and platform in web content management and web-based learning with capacity of hosting 10,000+ traditional webpages with great ease.
Multidimensional distributed docBases (DdB),Multi-agent systems,Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS),Web-intensive section (WiSec),Content-aware pervasive computing,Human-centered computing,User-centered experience
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