
A Comparative Analysis on Knowledge and Adoption Level of Farmwomen Regarding Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Technologies: A Micro Study by KVK, Ganjam-I

Current journal of applied science and technology(2020)

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The study was conducted during 2017-2019 in Ganjam district with the objective to find out the effectiveness of training programme of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Ganjam-I, on knowledge and adoption level of trainee farmwomen regarding fruit and vegetables preservation technologies. A total 400 respondents were selected for the study which includes 200 trainee farmwomen from the adopted villages, where Krishi Vigyan Kendra Ganjam-I, had conducted training programmes in the area of fruit and vegetables preservation technologies and 200 non-trainee farmwomen Original Research Article Samantaray et al.; CJAST, 39(17): 57-63, 2020; Article no.CJAST.57981 58 selected from villages which were not covered by the KVK. The data revealed that majority, (i.e., 72.50 percent) of Trainee Farm-Women were having medium level of knowledge regarding Fruit and Vegetable Preservation technology, followed by those (20.00 percent and 7.50 percent) having high and low level of knowledge, respectively. Whereas, in case of Non-trainee farmwomen, all of them had low level of knowledge regarding Fruit And Vegetable Preservation technologies. Further the analysis of adoption scores of Trainee Farm-women revealed that (79.50 percent) of Trainee Farmwomen had medium level of adoption, followed by (20.50 percent) those having high level of adoption and (18.50 percent) are having low level of adoption as far as Fruit and Vegetable Production technologies are concerned, while in case of Non-Trainee Farm-women, all of them were having low level of adoption. This indicates that there has been significant difference between the trainees & non-trainees with regard to their Knowledge and Adoption of fruit and vegetables preservation technology.
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