Restricted Water Intake And Hydration With Fructose-Containing Beverages During Infancy Predispose To Aggravate An Acute Renal Ischemic Insult In Adolescent Rats


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We aimed to investigate the effects of chronic fluid restriction and hydration with a sweetened beverage (SB) in rats from weaning until adolescence, in a posterior acute kidney injury (AKI) event induced by ischemia-reperfusion (I/R). We followed 5 groups of weaning rats: control group (C); two groups with 22 h/day fluid restriction, a group hydrated for two hours with water (-W) and a group hydrated with SB; one group receiving SB ad libitum all day (+SB); and one group in which water consumption was increased using a gel diet. The rats that reached adolescence were submitted to I/R. Fluid restriction and/or SB hydration induced mild renal alterations that were significantly accentuated in the -SB group and resulted in worse outcomes after I/R-induced AKI that resulted in a catastrophic fall in creatinine clearance and diffuse acute tubular necrosis. In summary, low tap water intakes, as well as SB intake in infancy, prompt kidney worse outcomes in a later event of AKI during adolescence and both insults magnify kidney damage. Studies on hydration habits in children are recommended to disclose the potentially harmful effects that those behavioral patterns might carry to future renal health.
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