Large Isospin Asymmetry in ^{22}Si/^{22}O Mirror Gamow-Teller Transitions Reveals the Halo Structure of ^{22}Al.

J Lee,X X Xu,K Kaneko,Y Sun,C J Lin, L J Sun, P F Liang,Z H Li,J Li,H Y Wu,D Q Fang,J S Wang,Y Y Yang, C X Yuan,Y H Lam,Y T Wang,K Wang,J G Wang,J B Ma,J J Liu,P J Li, Q Q Zhao, L Yang,N R Ma,D X Wang, F P Zhong, S H Zhong,F Yang,H M Jia, P W Wen,M Pan, H L Zang,X Wang,C G Wu, D W Luo,H W Wang,C Li, C Z Shi, M W Nie,X F Li,H Li,P Ma,Q Hu, G Z Shi, S L Jin, M R Huang, Z Bai,Y J Zhou, W H Ma, F F Duan, S Y Jin,Q R Gao,X H Zhou,Z G Hu,M Wang,M L Liu, R F Chen, X W Ma


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beta-delayed one-proton emissions of Si-22, the lightest nucleus with an isospin projection T-z = -3, are studied with a silicon array surrounded by high-purity germanium detectors. Properties of beta-decay branches and the reduced transition probabilities for the transitions to the low-lying states of Al-22 are determined. Compared to the mirror beta decay of O-22, the largest value of mirror asymmetry in low-lying states by far, with delta = 209(96), is found in the transition to the first 1(+) excited state. Shell-model calculation with isospin-nonconserving forces, including the T = 1, J = 2, 3 interaction related to the s(1/2) orbit that introduces explicitly the isospin-symmetry breaking force and describes the loosely bound nature of the wave functions of the s(1/2) orbit, can reproduce the observed data well and consistently explain the observation that a large delta value occurs for the first but not for the second 1(+) excited state of Al-22. Our results, while supporting the proton-halo structure in Al-22, might provide another means to identify halo nuclei.
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